His Word

Day 369 – Luke 2:40

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

Luke 2:40, NIV

This verse refers to Jesus. He grew strong, and God filled Him with wisdom. Luke didn’t mention a lot of things about Jesus while growing up. He just said that the grace of God was on Him. During this moment, our savior was not publicly exposed yet. He was with his earthly family and doing the things that ordinary people do. We may not exactly know everything that happened to Him while He was a kid, but one thing is for sure, God is with Him in private. Sometimes, our loving Father purposely hides us away from other people’s attention so that He can properly prepare us for what’s coming. He is still giving us the chance to receive His wisdom and grow in His presence. When He sees that we are ready, He will then expose us to those people that we need to serve.

I pray that you will also be filled with God’s wisdom and grace.