His Word

Day 370 – Luke 2:51

Then He went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But His mother treasured all these things in her heart.

Luke 2: 51, NIV

This event happened when Jesus was still 12 years old. He decided to stay in Jerusalem and be in the house of God. Mary and Joseph looked for Him for 3 days. They found the young Jesus at the temple, and then He went down to Nazareth and chose to obey his earthly family. The remarkable part of this verse is that Mary treasured these ordinary days with Jesus. She chose to take delight in Him while growing up. Maybe she doesn’t have any clue about the things that her beloved son would experience. Still, she chose to rejoice and treasure Jesus even in the simplest moments. At some point in our lives, we also have these ordinary days with our Savior. But even in those precious seasons, may we never forget to treasure Him just like Mary did.

May we continue to take delight in the presence of our Savior, even in the simplest moments of our lives.