Day 388 – Luke 5:12
While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Luke 5: 12, NIV
In Jesus’ time, those who have leprosy are no longer considered part of society. People stay away from them because their sickness is contagious. Aside from that, the religious leaders in their time consider it a punishment from God. They looked at the lepers as sinners who deserved to experience excruciating pain both physically and emotionally. Imagine, at this very moment, this leper walked in front of Jesus and humbly asked to clean Him. The leper didn’t have this perspective that Jesus would condemn Him. He courageously asked Jesus to save Him not just from His sickness but also from the guilt and shame that He felt. Many of us also experienced this kind of feeling. When we commit mistakes, people tend to condemn and blame us to the point that we will be full of guilt on the inside. But this verse is a wonderful reminder for us. We have a Savior who can save us from condemnation. His name is Jesus.
I pray that you will have the courage to humbly ask Jesus to clean you from the inside out.