Day 389 – Luke 5:13
Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” and immediately the leprosy left Him.
Luke 5:13, nIV
This is what our Savior did to the man with leprosy. After the leper asked Him to be cleaned, Jesus showed Him what love and compassion is. He could’ve healed the man just by uttering a declaration of healing, but Jesus chose to reach out and touch Him despite His contagious disease. Jesus wasn’t afraid of the things that might happen to Him, but He expressed His love by letting the man feel that He was accepted. And Jesus showed His care to the leper not just through action, but He also expressed them through words. He willingly healed him without any hesitation. Our Savior will always heal us according to what we need. The leper doesn’t only need physical healing, but He also needs to feel that He is loved by our Saviour. And that love alone can heal his guilt and shame.
May you believe with all your heart that Jesus can heal you completely, just like what He did to the leper.