Day 416 – Luke 7:16
They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.
Luke 7:16, NIV
This happened when Jesus brought a dead man to life. After such a miracle, the people were in awe of what they experienced and couldn’t help but praise Him. Because of what Jesus did, they realized that God had come to help His people. You see, He is concerned for our welfare. God cares for us more than we care for ourselves. So if you think that God has forgotten you, then let this verse remind you to stay connected to Him. Ask for His help, and He will be there. Trust in His power, and He will perform great things in your life. You may go through seasons that you can’t understand, but know that He will always be there to give you the grace that you need.
May you always trust in God’s great love for you.