His Word

Day 442 – Luke 12:25-26

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Luke 12: 25-26, NIV

Sometimes, worry becomes part of our system. When we experience terrible things in life, we tend to magnify them and we feel scared for what might happen next. But let’s always remember that worry can never add a single hour in our lives. In fact, it can take away the joy and excitement that God wants us to experience. It’s like a silent thief that takes away our peace. Instead of trusting God and surrendering to Him, worries will lead us to the darkness. So if you are worrying right now, then may this verse remind you to seek God and trust Him.

May you choose to focus on the goodness of God and stop worrying about your life.