Day 460 – Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10, NIV
Jesus came into this world to save those who were lost. He is looking for them. And just like everyone else, we also experience moments in life when we feel so lost and broken. That’s when He continuously pursues us with His love and grace. We are all sinners who badly need God’s mercy and forgiveness. We don’t have the right to condemn other people. Just because their sins appear so evident in your eyes doesn’t mean you can treat them as if they are strangers. Jesus wants to save them. If you want to experience more of His love, then try to share your life with those who are lost, and you will realize what it truly means to receive the salvation of God.
I pray that you will never forget the heart of Jesus toward the lost and the broken.