Day 469 – Luke 23:23-24
But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed. So Pilate decided to grant their demand.
Luke 23:23-24, niV
When Jesus was in front of the crowd, Pilate asked their opinion about what they wanted to do with Jesus. He chose to listen to the people rather than do what was right. Pilate was so consumed with the desire to please others rather than follow his conscience. Sometimes, we are also like Pilate. When we are challenged to fight for our faith, we tend to listen to the voices of the crowd, thinking that what they want is the right thing to do. But just because people wanted you to do something doesn’t mean it’s part of God’s plans. We need to learn how to listen to the voice of God, for He alone knows what’s ahead. And His standards are so different from what this world believes in.
May you choose to follow the voice of God and not the voice of the crowd.