His Word

Day 473 – Luke 24:2-3

They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

Luke 24:2-3, NIV

It was the first day of the week when the women went to Jesus’ tomb and took some spices with them. But as they approached the area, they noticed that the stone in His tomb was rolled away. When they entered, they did not see the body of our Savior. It may appear strange in their eyes, but this moment is very important for all of us because it signifies the hope that we believe in. Jesus rose from the dead. He overcame this world and gave us the grace to be saved. On the third day, Jesus was resurrected, and He continues to live. So when you feel like there’s no more hope left, remember that Jesus won the victory. And if you believe in Him and allow Him to reign in your life, then it means that the victory is also yours.

I pray that you will never forget the hope that Jesus’ offered in your life.