His Word

Day 64 – Proverbs 3:26

Because God is your confidence in times of crisis, keeping your heart at rest in every situation.

Proverbs 3:26, TPT

Your situation right now may be difficult for you to handle, but always put your confidence in the Lord. This crisis will never last. God will make a way, and He will perform miracles in your life. So learn to take some rest in His presence. Do not worry. God will always take good care of you. Don’t be discouraged. The circumstances that you are facing will pass. God will continue to bless you with His love. He will sustain you with His grace so that you can overcome everything that comes in your way. Fill your mind with His promises so that you always be reminded about the good things that God prepared for you all this time.

May you always keep your heart at rest in the presence of God even if you are going through a lot of challenges in life.