Day 87 – Psalm 27:13
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 27:13, NIV
Take heart and believe that the goodness of God will overflow in our lives. Even though we are surrounded by many circumstances, God is good and will never change. He is doing great things behind the scene, so do not lose hope and keep on praying. He is listening. And when the time is right, God will show to His people the great things He did to save all of us. Do not focus on the negative things that are happening around you. Fix your eyes on the things that will please God. Seek His Kingdom and remind yourself of His great love. He will never abandon us. There is still hope, so keep the faith and learn to trust Him with all your heart.
May you always believe that God is good, even if you face many problems.