Day 93 – Psalm 97:12
Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.
Psalm 97:12, NIV
Worship God in everything that you do. Be glad in His Presence. We may encounter many challenges in life, but just raise your hand and choose to praise God even in the midst of storms. We worship Him not because He needs it, but it’s for our own good. The more we sing praises to His name, the more we remind ourselves that nothing is too difficult for God. He can do all things. We just have to learn how to surrender all our worries and cares. God will always help us, and no matter how challenging this life may be, nothing can ever change the fact that God is still worthy to receive our praises. It’s like our powerful prayer for Him. We lift Him up because we know that He is our savior, and He will always protect us.
May you keep on worshipping the Lord your God no matter what happens.