Dear God, Please Help me hear your Voice Clearly
There are so many things that are going on in my mind Lord. I don’t know what to do or where to go. I know that you are speaking to me, but I can’t seem to hear your voice clearly. Please teach me how to listen to you and how to put your words in my heart. Teach me how to recognize your voice, Lord, especially in the midst of uncertainties and problems. I need you in my life. I can’t do this alone. Father, I need your guidance and your assurance that everything will be okay. You are the source of my strength Lord. I need your word and instructions. Open my heart, mind, and ears so that I’ll be able to follow you. Take away all my doubts and fears, Lord. And replace it with your amazing love.
I have so many “what if’s” in mind. I worry about so many things. The uncertainties around me create so much fear that I can no longer think of the best thing to do. I feel so paralyzed, Lord. I can’t take the next steps because I’m too scared. My dreams and my plans were all shattered, and I don’t know how to start again. My mind keeps on thinking about the worst thing that might happen. The problems and challenges in front of me appear so big and impossible to overcome. Please help me, God. I want to feel your loving comfort.
The negative voices in my head are too loud, and I find it hard to hear you. I just don’t know what to do next. Strengthen my faith, Lord. That I may choose to stay with you no matter what happens. Please teach me how to stop listening to the enemy’s lies and lead me back to your heart. I pray for your peace and love. Reign in my heart and lead me to the right path. When I’m too blinded by the negative things of this world, may you open my eyes and ears so that I will learn to appreciate your ways.
Please give me a humble heart to accept your word. Maybe I find it hard to listen to you because you wanted me to change something inside, and it scares me a lot. That’s why, increase my faith and trust, Lord, that I may choose you over the doubts and worries in my mind. Teach me how to depend on your power and not on my own knowledge and understanding. Let your voice be louder than my fears.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.