Dear Singles, Let the Season that you are in Lead you to Heal what’s Broken
Having a relationship with someone can’t fully heal the deepest wound in your heart. Their affection and temporary care will somehow serve as a band-aid, but they won’t truly deal with the real issues deep within. The healing that you feel because of someone’s presence is only temporary. This is the reason why you need to go through the process with God alone. You can ask for other people’s help, but please don’t fully depend on your healing journey on them. Because at the end of the day, you are the only one who can face the deepest wounds in your heart. You need to face them with God because He alone can give you the kind of love that will mend the broken pieces inside. So while you are still single, use this moment to fully heal so that you will be ready for the next season that God prepared.
Your season right now is the best time for you to deal with the thorns and wounds inside. You need to talk to that child deep within you who went through a lot of pain and traumas. You need to console that precious innocent soul who experienced unexpected events that caused you to feel anxious and scared. You need to slowly release forgiveness to the people who badly hurt you before. It won’t be easy. Many times, your tears will fall because you will remember those moments when you first received the wounds. It’s going to be heartbreaking, but it’s better to face it right now while you are still living on your own. Simply because your future family will get affected if you will deal with the issues with them. They will experience pain because of the wounds that you fail to heal.
Don’t worry. God will be with you along the healing process. He will walk with you and hold your hands. He will remain patient in moments when you complain because of the pain. God will be there to lead you to the light. You won’t be alone along the journey. You always have a companion. This is His promise. And the wonderful thing about this journey is that your relationship with God will never be the same after you experience healing. You will spend intimate moments with Him that will strengthen your foundation and your faith. It’s going to be worth it because you will experience more of His love in the end.
You can never fully love someone if you are still going through a lot of issues in your past. Patiently go through the healing process and treat it as a precious gift that you can offer to your future partner and kids. Work on what matters most in the end. Before you improve the outside, try to deal first with the things that are going on inside. Ask God to mend the things that are broken. Let Him close the wounds and take away the thorns. Let Him set you free from bondage. Let your loving Father open the cage that keeps you from experiencing true life. And only then will you be able to fully give yourself away for the people that God prepared.