Self Development

Dear Woman, Please be Gentle with Yourself

I know that what you are going through right now is not easy. People around you are growing, and they already achieved a lot of things. And here you are, thinking that you are never enough. You blamed yourself for what happened in the past. You treat your mistakes as a hindrance for you to experience the fullness of this life. Forgiveness is something that you can’t give to yourself. You find it hard to move on, and you are full of disappointments inside. Yes, this season is so painful for you, but please be gentle with yourself. Learn to be patient, especially in moments when you no longer understand what’s going on in your life. Know that God sees your heart, and He is aware of all the pain that you are carrying.

Stop blaming yourself. Accept the truth that you are not perfect. One way or another, you will commit mistakes in life, and it’s part of growing up. Do not focus on the things that you did wrong. Set your eyes on the lessons that you learned and try to apply everything in your life. Be grateful that God gave you another chance to do the right thing. Look at the opportunities in front of you and make the most of what you have. You will miss the blessings of God if you will just keep on looking at your weaknesses. Remember that He never blamed you for everything that you did. He knows that what you need is not condemnation but simply a heart that’s willing to accept all your flaws and mistakes.

You are loved by your Heavenly Father. Receive His love, and you will learn to forgive yourself. He will open your eyes so that you will see the good things around you. He will take away your pain, and He will heal all your wounds. Depend on God and connect to Him. Put His words in your heart and keep His promises. Know that you are His beloved princess, and He wants you to be happy. He knows you from the inside out, and He accepts you for who you are. God purposely created you in His own image, and that’s why you are unique and special.

Do not compare your life to others. You have a different destiny, and God plotted a special timeline for you. Trust in His plans because He knows what He is doing.  He is perfect, and He sees what’s ahead. Never rely on your own understanding. Yes, you have dreams in life, but know that God wanted you to experience the fullness of His blessings. Let your identity be rooted in His love, and you will learn to be gentle with yourself.


  • Anne

    I feel Gid speaking to me through the above article. Yesterday after my son lost his bag while travelling ,I questioned God ‘Why me?? Problems one after the other? What sin did I commit so big that’s making me leave a miserae life!! Then a day after, the person just ho had wrongly taken the bag, returned it to the bus office.
    I went back on my knees asking for forgiveness from God. I find the whole scenario mistry.

  • Teresa

    Thank you for letting me know I am thankful for God’s words and family and friends. 😊