Faith,  Self Development

Declare it often, even when you don’t know what’s happening

We can undeniably tell how unpredictable things are. We visualize our visions, plan great things, and even sort our own future. The itineraries of how our tomorrow would turn out to how we carve by our own self-written destiny. We work hard, make a sacrifice, cry and break until we build ourselves again. Of course, these things are easier said than done. But their in-betweens are our image of how we fail and are shattered from something that brought us more profound than our tears.  

Humans as we are, we tremble in our own knees when things don’t happen the way we planned them to be. But please do remember that our difficulties and problems are not our ends but means of how God would show His love for us. God loves us too dearly and deeply that no feet can even touch its depth. So please don’t drown yourself in things that God can swim for you. He let things repeatedly happen, not to punish you but to build you stronger than you think yourself to be. He wants you to be prepared for battles that He can win for you, for you to believe more in Him and for your heart to be closer to Him.

We can’t box His greatness using our own thinking. Our thoughts are persuasive and imperative to things that are not good for us. But God is the lead. HE is the lead to more extraordinary things. Our thoughts cannot fathom His greatness. That’s why there are things that He is doing that never meet our understanding. Something that made us doubt and anxious. Yet, let us remember, no man ever knows how God works, but there’s good news, He never stops doing miracles. Not just for you but for every man and creature He has made.

Remember that God never stops doing miracles when you can’t understand and when you cannot feel anything moving. He never stops moving things. He never stops caring for you or looking at you. He never stops wanting you and pursuing you. He wants you as you are. But, most of all, He never stops loving you. He never stops showing you things, providing you grace, because He is a loving Father, and He loves you dearly more than you can imagine.

God is moving even though we don’t feel nor see it. So stop your doubt and start believing that He is in motion. That He is doing things, even you cannot see it. That He is fighting for you even if you cannot feel anything. Let’s start within you. Plant that seed of faith in your heart and mind. You don’t have to wait for something to happen. Make it. Make that faith sprouts you despite all aches and pain you are feeling. Remember, you cannot paint with an empty palette. Let your life contain all colors it can give. Let God paint your life even when you don’t know how He will do it.

God never neglects you. He never unseen you, nor will He ever be. You cannot control things that are all part of His plans that your mind cannot box with. Declare it often. Declare good things that God will do. Declare His greatness and praise Him even if nothing is happening yet. Even if you don’t know what’s happening, declare it still. Declare His love; let your mouth not cease declaring His greatness. Let God move, and you will soon see how He set things His way.

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