Declare Victory over your Problems and Remind Yourself about God’s Power
You are victorious because Jesus overcomes this world. Always remember this truth, especially when you go through problems. God is bigger than the challenges that you are facing. He knows everything, and He can help you. So speak to your problems. Know that you will overcome whatever it is that comes your way because your loving Father will always be there for you. Do not focus on your own strength. You can’t make it on your own. Set your eyes on God and know that His power is beyond what you can comprehend. Never put Him in a box. Allow Him to move, and you will see miracles in your life.
You can always ask for God’s wisdom. Sometimes, you find it hard to overcome your problems because you fail to consult Him along the process. You rely on what you know, and you keep on thinking about the things that might happen next. You forgot that God can help you. You will only see things differently the moment you open your heart for His word. Allow Him to teach you, and you will slowly understand some of the important things that happened in your life. He will point out the necessary lessons that you need to learn as long as you are humble enough to accept His instructions.
Trust in His power. Do not doubt in His goodness. God can do mighty things in your life. It’s just sometimes, you choose to entertain the lies of the enemy rather than listening to God. You fail to remember the miracles that He did in your life. Because of so much fear, you slowly rely on the things in front of you. Focus on Him, and you will gain enough strength to face your problems. You need to let Him move in the midst. Stop controlling the things that happened in your life and let Him take good care of you.
How you treat your problems simply reflects your faith in God. If you feel so scared about the challenges that you are facing, then it means that you give your problems the authority to destruct you from believing in His power. Tell your problems that you are destined for victory. Embrace that truth inside your heart and know that you are meant to overcome the principalities of this world because of what Jesus did on the cross.

One Comment
Rita Lawrence
I do believe but l dislike reading all of sudden l should be careful etc
All negative come to me from outside not inside
I believe God and the friend of mine but it’s awful to see all those negative written words