
Delays Don’t Mean God Has Forgotten You, Sometimes It’s A Blessing In Disguise

You are on your knees and trying to beg God to give you the very thing that you want to have. You are praying day and night. But then nothing happened, and you felt so devastated. You then think that God already forget you and He never cares about you.

My friend, did you ever forget that God’s time is very different from ours? Did you just forget that God works in ways we can’t see? Always remember that, God always cares for you. He knows what you want. He knows exactly when you need it.

Sometimes, we think that God forgets us because we keep on comparing ourselves to somebody’s life. If we see that God blessed them with so many things, we will then start to question the love of God. We will then ask Him these questions, “How about me, Lord? Where’s my blessing? Did you already forget me?”

We just don’t realize that God is preparing and teaching us how to properly handle the blessings so that it will not come to waste. A big blessing is nothing if you don’t know how to manage it, you may receive it, but sooner or later you will find yourself empty handed because you fail to handle it properly.  That’s why, it’s very important to ask God to equip yourself first before you ask for something big.

It takes process for you to learn. And it takes time for you to go through the process. So be patient. Learn to endure. Know that God is still working in you. If you will just put this in your heart, you will realize that it’s better to wait than to waste the blessing of God.  

Waiting for the right time is very important because it will not only prepare you to handle the blessing properly but you will also learn to value that blessing throughout your life. The longer the time you waited for the blessing, the more it becomes valuable in your life.

You may think that your prayers were all delayed, but sometimes God doesn’t give us the blessings exactly how we want it to be received. It comes in different ways, most of the time, in simple and ordinary way. And we tend to miss the blessing because we are expecting something different.

So you need to ask God if the thing that you prayed for is good for you or not.  Listen to His voice and do not forget to seek His word. What you experience right now doesn’t mean that you are in the wrong track. It simply means that you need to learn how to be patient. One day, you will thank God for not giving you the very thing that you prayed, because He will actually give you even more. The kind of blessing that you never dreamed of.


  • Riena Gamao Pfaff

    So timely.. This is exactly what I feel 😭. Help me pray to understand God’s plan. Help me pray to be patient enough.. 😢