Difficult Moments In Life Are Sometimes God’s Way Of Building You Up
You may think that the problems you are facing right now are too hard for you to handle, but what if God is teaching you how to endure. What if He is building you up into a better person? Sometimes, we need to go through some pain so that we will be able to fully internalize the lessons that God wanted us to learn, or perhaps He is just strengthening our faith. What if He purposely allowed us to experience suffering so that we will learn to trust Him more than the people around us. It may be hard for you to overcome your situation, but take heart. God is transforming you into a better person.
Not all problems will destroy you. Some of them will build your strength on the inside. God will use the situations around you to teach you how to persevere in life. It will prepare you for the things that are too wonderful for you to comprehend. You may not understand it right now, but someday you will. Do not base your faith according to your situation. Focus on who God is in your life because that’s how you will grow and prosper.
God’s ways are always mysterious. You may find it hard to fathom the things that God is doing in your life. But all you need to do is to simply trust Him. I know that it’s not an easy thing because, after all, we are just human. We also feel disappointed sometimes. But even though we are not perfect, we can always choose to glorify God even in suffering. We just have to stay with Him, no matter what happens. You may not feel His presence but just learn to commit yourself to the Lord, and you will overcome everything.
He is introducing more of Himself to you. In every challenge that you face, God presents you with another character He wanted you to learn. Sometimes, He will be your teacher, your mentor, your coach, your lover, or He will just stay with you like a friend. He will make you feel that He is everything that you could’ve asked for. He will not waste all your hardships. After the pain, you will realize that God allowed you to experience more of Him.

WS Wilson
Thank you
Nathaniel Myles
AMEN! I find that to be so very true because I am a true witness of lots of difficulties in my life and I can say that I am still standing strong by the Grace Of God!!
God’s way are perfect
amen ❤
Carmela Jean Balajay
Thank you Jesus