
Difficult moments will Pass

Better days are coming. You will still experience days of breakthroughs in life. God is preparing many things for you, so don’t stop there. You may be in a very challenging season trying to find out what the experiences in your life are for. But don’t lose hope yet. Your present might be difficult, but it won’t always be like that. Like before, you experience uncertainties that may have become an instrument of more significant change in your life. God made it happen then, and He will still do it again and again. On the other hand, what you have been going through might prepare you for something better. So focus on what God wants to teach you now and let things unfold on their own in His time.

Better opportunities are prepared for you, so get up and keep trying. Keep on failing, and learn every step of the way. Let rejections be redirections and a way of building endurance. Remember that your greatest strength can come from challenging experiences. You can always learn something from everything that you go through. Just settle the doubts and always declare God’s goodness in your life. Notice His grace and attract His blessings. Do not add weight to the words that won’t help you in any way. Instead, always seek kind words and those that will give you wisdom.

Better choices are always available for you to choose from. But take your time. When you make a mistake, remember that better days are coming, and you can still do better. You might not notice it yet, but you are growing and learning when you are going through rough times. Something within you is evolving to become a better version of yourself. So just continue and keep on going. God prepared more for you to experience. So take that step and start the journey to His promises. 

It is still possible to get up again. Remember that when you fall, it doesn’t mean that you will stay in that place. In your lifetime, you will lose many times. You will often fail because you are learning and still trying to figure things out in this life. So, instead of dwelling on the doubt, shower yourself with the consciousness of the present. Don’t rush things; just focus on your present while doing your best. Let your circumstances teach you to be patient. Let it teach you how to wait for things to unfold on their own. 

Remember that there is more ahead of you whenever you waiver at your season. More blessings are waiting for you to receive. So just take a rest and continue. Great things happen in the most unexpected moments in life. Just keep your faith and keep on believing on better days. You will be fine, and you can make it. Hold on to your courage and keep on trusting God in every way. Pain will heal, and difficult moments will pass.