Self Development

Difficult seasons are Necessary for your Growth

There will be moments when we can’t understand the ways of God. We go through seasons that are so difficult and challenging. We experience pain and heartaches that changes our perspective. Nobody is exempted. There will be problems and struggles so that we will learn to do the right thing. So if you are going through struggles right now, then keep in mind that God will never allow it to happen unless He has a purpose. Behind your tears and hardships are opportunities for you to become a better person. He is giving you the chance to purify your heart.

It will hurt, and the process won’t be easy. Sometimes, you will find yourself doubting the goodness of God. There will be days when you feel so restless. It won’t be comfortable and smooth. But one day, you will realize that it’s all worth it. You will see yourself growing, and you will be amazed by the changes that will manifest in your life. Soon, God’s miracles will be so evident in your eyes. But until that day comes, choose to endure and keep your faith. Focus on God and be strengthened by His promises.

Change the way you see your problems. You will find it hard to overcome them if you look at your challenges as something that will destroy you. Know that there are priceless treasures that you can get in your experiences. You just have to humbly accept the truth that God has His own way of molding you. Usually, He uses the obstacles in front of you to help you see the important matters that you need to value. His ways won’t always be pleasing in your eyes because it takes effort and discipline. Sometimes there will be tears. But if you will only focus on the bright future that God prepared, you will surely be inspired to keep moving.

Every day, God is giving you so many favors and blessings. Sometimes, they come in ways you least expect. They are wrapped in unfavorable circumstances, but when you choose to open that gift, you will realize that they are actually God’s way of saving you. You just don’t see them the way He sees them. So pray that God will open your mind so that you will discover His wisdom and revelations behind all your challenges.

Know that God wants the best for you. You may feel in pain, but it won’t last forever. It hurts because He is changing your foundation. But when you are rooted in His love, you will slowly see transformation in your life. The process may take time, but stay patient and help yourself. Don’t be pressured by the standards of this world. Instead, give yourself some space to make mistakes so that you will grow and endure every season that comes your way. Focus on your growth and not on the negative things you experienced. When you are equipped enough to receive God’s blessings, He won’t hesitate to give them all to you. Grow in His presence first, and everything else will flow. Trust in His love, and He will sustain you all throughout the journey. 

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