Difficulties Exist not to Destroy you but to Promote you
How you handle the circumstances in your life matters in the way, you look at things. If you think that difficulties are there just to make you feel miserable, then you will never overcome them. But if you believe with all your heart that every situation that happened in your life, whether good or bad, has a greater purpose, you will always try your very best to get through it. God will never allow something to happen that will only destroy you in the end. He wants you to receive the fullness of His blessings. So treat every difficulty as His way of promoting you. He will take you to the next level. You experience different struggles simply because He is leading you to a new place where you will see yourself growing. So hold on and keep the faith.
You will not understand everything for now but just trust in the great love of God. Maybe what you need are not the answers to your questions but simply the assurance that everything will be okay. God promised a bright future for you. Believe in His word, and you will have the courage to face the hardships in your life. Know that God’s love is wider and deeper than what you are going through. So keep walking in His presence even if you can’t see His hands moving. Stay with Him, and He will sustain you with His grace.
Learn to endure and be patient. Sometimes, we tend to complain to God because we are only focusing on our own desires. But let Him move. Depend on Him and not on your own understanding. Remember that the pain you experienced is nothing compared to the blessings that God prepared for you. Endure the pain that you feel and know that He sees all your sufferings. Focus on the good things that happened in your life so that you will not be tempted to give up. Your Creator knows what lies ahead. And He is just building you so that you will be ready to receive His blessings.
One day, you will realize the purpose behind all the difficulties you experienced in life. The lessons you will learn will take you to places you’ve never been before. God will teach you how to properly maximize His blessings. And He will give you bigger responsibilities. The difficulties in front of you are God’s way of preparing you for what’s ahead. He is taking you outside of your comfort zone so that you will know His great and marvelous plans.