Self Development

Do Not Anchor Your Worth On What Other People Say About You

People have different opinions. That’s why we can’t really please everyone. We just have to live according to our values in life. We may receive a lot of opinions from others, but we can choose what to believe. At the end of the day, what matters most is not their opinion about yourself, but how God sees you. He knows your worth and your real identity.

You are not a loser. The God who created this universe loves you so much. You are not a mistake. God intentionally created you for a purpose. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Stop listening to the negative opinion of others. You need to seek your identity in the Lord. You need to focus on Him. Remind yourself over and over again that you are a child of God.

Stop pleasing the people around you. The more you listen to them, the more you will find yourself lost and broken. Only God knows who you are. Do not allow other people to define you. I know that sometimes, the most painful judgment we receive are from our loved ones. But just surrender everything to God. Allow Him to heal you.

Even if you feel like nobody knows who you truly are, remember that God alone knows your heart. One day, He will make way for you. He will make you feel treasured and accepted. God will perform amazing miracles in your life that will remind you how important you are. You will experience freedom, and you will no longer be afraid about the opinions of others because you already know your worth in the Lord.

Time will come when you will live according to your most enormous potential. You will not be afraid to show yourself because you are not affected by what other people say. You can do mighty things for the Lord. Someday, you will be able to maximize your talents while not worrying about the opinion of others. You will enjoy your life as God intended you to do.

Do not limit yourself. Do not let other people stop you from doing things that will glorify God. Keep on pursuing your dreams in life. Leave all worries behind. Let God’s love be your motivation. Let Him be your greatest encourager. God knows that you can do it. He is with you. And as long as you believe in Him, you will always have the courage to face your dreams.