
Do Not Be Afraid

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”

Acts 18: 9-10, NIV

Paul was in Corinth when he received this encouragement from the Lord. Before he reached this place, he went through persecution and pain. Perhaps this is why he was afraid. The Bible may not clearly say that Paul was scared, but God knows his heart. He encouraged him to keep on speaking and assured him that He would be with Him.

This beautiful promise is something that we can also receive in our lives: that no matter where we go, God will be with us. But that doesn’t mean things will be comfortable and easy. It only means that despite the challenges that we will experience, God will still help and give us the strength that we need.

Aside from this, this verse also gives an idea of how Paul felt after going through a series of rejections. It seems like he wasn’t scared because He kept on doing what God called him to do. For instance, when people would persecute him in the synagogue, he would go to another place and continue to preach God’s word. If we just focus on the things that he did, we can say that he was bold and brave.

But then, deep inside, Paul was afraid. God wouldn’t encourage him if he was not scared at all. This means that even if Paul had fears inside, he continued to share God’s word. He appeared strong not because of His strength but because of the God who’s with Him.

He relied on God’s promises, especially in moments of pain. He trusted Him despite the suffering. This is a great reminder for us to do the same. May we learn to keep our faith in His Words, just like Paul did.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for this word. Thank you for assuring me that you will be with me along the journey. Please teach me how to trust in you, Lord. Help me, that I may learn to keep my faith, especially when I go through persecution and receive rejections. Give me the strength to continue the mission that you planted in my heart. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.