
Do Not Be Tempted To Choose An Immediate Result Over An Eternal Impact

Life will give us a lot of circumstances that will test our hearts. Sometimes, when we are too full of negative things inside, we tend to see our circumstances in a smaller vision. We focus on our situation and fail to consider the possible consequences of our actions. We often wanted an immediate result rather than doing the things that will please God and impact somebody’s soul. So before you make any decision, please consult God and try to check your heart. Why are you doing it in the first place? Are you after of the things that you can get? Or are you trying your best to do the things that will eternally bless others? Please do not be tempted to choose instant things over the will of God. Remember that He knows what’s beyond, and He wants all of us to experience eternity with Him.

Sometimes, immediate results can only lead you to deeper pain. Important things in life take a long process. So instead of looking for things that will immediately satisfy the emptiness within, choose to be patient. Stop pushing things to happen instantly because you need to accept the truth that real treasures need more time to develop. You may feel happy for a moment, but it will never last. You will always come back to the One who can truly satisfy your heart. Maybe you tried to makes things faster because you have your own plans and timeline. But always remember that God holds the perfect timing so learn to trust in Him.

Wait and focus on things that will last forever. Maybe you thought that forever never exist, but it’s real, and you can find it in the arms of God. Your soul will stay, and there is eternity. So do things that will matter most in the end. Stop wasting your time by doing things that will just destroy you deep within. Try to look at the bigger picture and review your life. Are the things you are doing right now have an eternal impact? Will it all matter at the end of the day? 

Your soul is more important than the temporary desires of your flesh. So please take good care of it. Grow in the presence of God because He alone can nourish your soul. He will teach you how to increase your faith so that you will no longer be tempted to follow the temporary desires of your heart. Instead, you will learn to glorify God along the journey.

One Comment

  • Billy Inoki

    When you went through many betrayed and lies from this world, you will started questioning yourself. Is there still any righteous people in this world? When we are still innocent thinking by sharing God Word to bring some positive thinking and happiness to others, some people just started taking advantage of you. There is nothing we can do, go with God Spirit, just do what you think is right. For, at the end we are facing God not people. God bless!