
Do Not Let The Enemy Steal The Joy That God Placed In Your Heart

Remember that the enemy will just steal, kill and destroy your life. So do not listen to the lies that you hear from them. Focus on the power of God. Know that you are His beloved. He will never leave you, so stop entertaining the things that will just break your heart in the end. Let your life be consumed with the joy of the Lord, and you will have the courage to overcome the negative thoughts that you have in your mind. You are destined for victory. Just put Jesus inside your heart so that you will always be reminded about His power. He has already overcome the principalities of this world. The enemy was defeated 2000 years ago, and that means he can no longer control or destroy you.

Read the word of God, for it is your weapon against the lies of the enemy. His promises will remind you that God’s plans are greater than what you have in mind. The Bible will serve as the light that will help you stay on track. It is powerful than you think, so seek Him every day. Remind yourself of the things that God wants you to do. Sometimes, you can’t understand what’s happening around you, but His word will teach you how to deal with your situation. The enemy can never touch you as long as you set your eyes on God. Focus on His will, and you will be guided.

Do not lose hope. Maybe you feel so weak because you keep on hearing thoughts that lead you back to the past. But know that you are a new creation in the Lord. You are His child, which means your identity is not rooted according to what happened in your life. You are loved and treasured by God, so do not stop walking and let Him give you the strength you need. He will lead you to the right path. Remember that He is faithful, and He will continue to do good things in your life.

The joy of the Lord will give you strength. He will take you to places you’ve never been before. The enemy can only whisper lies, but it can never harm you as long as you choose to listen to the voice of God. You are destined for victory, so do not be threatened by the negatives thoughts in your mind. Have faith and receive the joy of the Lord. Open your heart for His love, and He will give you peace. He will also teach you how to conquer the lies of the enemy. 

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