
Do not let your Earthly desires lead you to Forget God’s words

Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.
– Mark 4:18-19

The word of God means nothing if you continuously focus on things that are not aligned to His will. If you always expose yourself to the pleasures of this world, then you will eventually forget His instructions. It says in the bible that we must meditate in His word day and night. It means that we need to always fill our thoughts with a Heavenly mindset so that it will grow in our hearts and bear fruits that will bless our lives.

It takes discipline and self-control to always remember the ways of God. You need to be more careful and aware of the things that are going on inside. Check your heart and allow God to purify it. Let His love come in, and He will take away the desires that hinder you from following Him.

Do not focus on the temporary riches. There’s nothing wrong with gaining more money and enjoying what you’ve worked hard for. But if you will treat your wealth as your god, then you will surely miss your God-give purpose. Do not follow your own knowledge and understanding. Consult God and align your dreams to Him. Things will turn out so good if you learn to put Him first above your own will. His words can lead you to the right opportunities. He can open the eyes of your heart and let you see a better perspective in life.

Just turn away from temptations. If you are the kind of person who easily gets swayed by earthly pleasures, then choose to walk away from the things that will lead you to seek worldly things. Hold the hands of God and let Him guide you to His heart. Open your mind so that you’ll learn to appreciate the things that will last for eternity. 

Stop worrying about your life. God knows what you need. He was able to sustain you until now, so never doubt His faithfulness. He will give you your daily bread. Continue to seek His face and when you feel anxious about what might happen next, then go to your room and kneel. Talk to God and let Him comfort you. Pray and receive the things that you asked from Him. Rest in His love and receive His peace.

You will never live a peaceful life on your own. You need God’s guidance and presence. Stay in His arms, and He will take your worries away. Listen to His voice for He cares for you. Fill your mind with His instructions and promises so that you will never forget your true identity. He will be the one who will remind you of the great future that He prepared. Everything will be okay as long as you’re with Him.

Put His word in your heart and hold on to Him. Guard your thoughts so that the enemy can’t easily take away the lessons that God is teaching you. Expose yourself to the right environment. Be with those people who will remind you to follow our Heavenly Father’s instructions. Stop spending time with those who will lead you to temptations. Be more conscious of the things that you are usually exposed to. Control your habits because you will find it hard to follow God if what you are listening and watching are all about the things of this world. It’s okay to entertain yourself but don’t treat the temporary things as the source of your joy. Come to God, and He will fill your mind with Heavenly perspective.

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