His Word

Do Not Let Your Heart Envy Sinners

Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 23: 17, NIV

Sometimes, it’s tempting to envy sinners because it seems like they received more blessings than those who were trying to do what’s right. They looked more comfortable and wealthier while the righteous ones tend to suffer and experience so many challenges.

The world somehow respects those people who fail to follow God’s ways. It seemed like they were more fascinated and inspired by those who took the shortcut rather than appreciate those who patiently went through God’s process.

It’s weird, but sometimes others adore those who selfishly gained ill-gotten wealth rather than those who faithfully followed God’s ways.

This is the harsh reality of life. But in this verse, we are reminded not to envy sinners. They may look happy, satisfied, and rich, but you never really know how God sees their wrong deeds. It seemed like they were favored because of the opportunities that they received, but you never really know how God felt about what they did.

So, instead of focusing on those people who followed their own will, choose to fix your eyes on Jesus. Fear Him and remember His greatness and power.

Let your fear in God lead you to do what’s right and pleasing in His eyes. Let His holiness remind you to purify your soul.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to focus on you. Help me, Lord, especially in times when I find it hard to appreciate your blessings. Give me the grace to continue this journey with you. Teach me how to faithfully abide in your words and give me a humble heart to obey you. Be glorified and be magnified, my Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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