Self Development

Do not Rely on your Own Desires because Sometimes, it’s Selfish

There are certain desires in our lives that we follow, but then, it ends in destruction. So check your heart first. What are the things that you wanted to achieve? What urges you to reach your dreams? What’s the reason behind all your actions? You need to ask yourself first before you make decisions because you might regret things in the end. Consult God and ask Him what to do. Never rely on your own desires. Remember that humans are not perfect. We sometimes think of our own interests. Try to look at the possible consequences of your decisions. Think before you act. Remember that you can never turn back time and change the things that you did wrong. Let God guide you, and He will change the way you see things.

Do not rely on your own understanding. There are important matters in life that you still don’t know. And sometimes, we choose to believe in things that can only make us happy. But sometimes, God’s truth hurts. It cuts like a knife in your heart, especially when you know that you are doing the wrong thing, but that doesn’t mean that He wants you to be in pain. He is just leading you to the right perspective. Not all truths can make you happy, but they will certainly set you free from the lies of the enemy. You just need to have a humble heart that’s willing to accept God’s correction. Tell you, it’s going to be worth it in the end. You will realize that everything that He is doing is for your own good.

Ask for some advice from the right person. Acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. God can use someone to make you realize what you are doing. You just have to ask for some help. Do not carry everything on your shoulders. You will get tired along the way if you will just live life on your own. Treat God as your partner and your best friend in life, and only then will He reveal to you the right thing to do. There’s nothing wrong with listening to your heart, but don’t let your emotions reign, especially when you make decisions. Acknowledge what you feel and surrender it all to God. He will be the One who will lead you to the right path.

Always align your life to God. Check your actions, your thoughts, and your decisions. Is it still according to the will of God? Or are you just following your own desires? Remember that God will do great things in your life as long as you let Him reign. He can perform miracles as long as you believe in Him. And He can change the direction of your life the moment you choose to accept His great and amazing love.

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