Do Not Trade Your Eternal God For A Temporary Wealth
Life will give us a lot of challenges. Along the way, we will meet struggles that will test our faith in God. It will examine our character and our motives for doing things. But I hope that you will choose God over the temporary wealth of this world for He simply deserves it.
God can do mighty things in your life. He alone can fully satisfy you. His love will make you whole, and once you received it, you will never ever long for love from someone else. You will be entertained with the temporary things of this world, but only God can fully restore you. Only God can change your life and purify you. Nothing in this world is more significant than God. In Him, there is eternity.
So think beyond your temporary plans right now. Do not waste your time on things that will not glorify our Heavenly Father. Stop collecting wealth that will not last forever. Build up wealth that will last to eternity. Include God in everything you do, and you will experience the kind of life that is worth living. Yes, there will be problems, but a life spent with God is so fulfilling inside.
All of us are just searching for joy and happiness. And sometimes, we think that we can only experience it as long as we have all the riches of this world. We need to remember that happiness is a choice. It comes from within you, and you can never find it from the outside. You need to search deep within. You need to decide. And God will teach you how to do it, as long as you have the humble heart to listen and obey, God will show you how to be happy.
The riches of this world can never answer the most profound questions of your heart. It can never heal the pain inside. It’s like a temporary drug that will take away the pain for a moment. But when all your riches are gone, the pain will crush you again and again. Only the love of God can mend your broken heart. He will not change what happened, but He will allow you to see things from a different perspective.
I hope you will always choose God over the wealth of this world. I pray that you will treasure Him above everything else. He is your most important wealth. His love is the most beautiful gift that this world can ever receive. Do not miss the chance to experience this life with Him. It’s the most fulfilling experience ever.

Mary Grace Lojo
Thank you for everyday inspiration through this lessons. I am a fan of this page. You are a blessing to many. You serve to be the light in someone’s darkest times. Please continue to do this. Continue to be a blessing. Continue to speak life and to Honor the Lord through inspiring and empowering others.
Georgette Gahunia
Beautiful and powerful inspiration with truthful messages. God is almighty love and an absolute almighty in all his creation.
Thank you for sharing the light in this dark world we live in….. We need to keep God’s words and true messages in our heart.
Looking forward to your next post. God bless!