Self Development

Do not Treat yourself as Better than Others

We are all unique. God created us in different ways so that we can perfectly function according to His purpose. The riches, knowledge, wisdom, skills, and talents that we have don’t give us the permission to treat others as if they are lower than us. Remember that just like them, you also started things from scratch. You were once a newbie who didn’t know so much about this life. So be patient when you meet people who have just started their journey. Don’t put pressure on them. Treat them as God’s precious children. Just because they commit a mistake doesn’t mean you are allowed to condemn or make them feel bad. Be humble and let them grow at their own pace.

If you want to correct someone, make sure you do it in a respectful way. Remember that they are human beings. They also have emotions. So be compassionate enough to release the words that will not condemn them. Ask God to teach you how to properly handle them. Do not treat yourself as better than them because you might express your emotions in an arrogant way, and it will lead them to experience deep wounds. Look at them with respect and treat them as God’s creation. Only then will you learn to believe in their potential. You never know the things that they can do. Just be there to assist them along the journey, and you will see them grow and prosper.

Treat the people around you as equals. Do not focus on their physical appearance or their status in society. Look at them the way God looks at you. Choose to love and stop following your ego. Remember that just like them, you are also a sinner who needs mercy and grace. Never forget that you also have your weaknesses. Just because other people’s sins are more evident than your sins doesn’t mean you are better than them. In the eyes of God, there’s no such thing as small or big sins. He hates it no matter how simple you think it is. So be humble and choose to value the precious lives of the people around you. Release His love and continue to help those who are in need.

We all have great potential within. That’s why you don’t need to compare yourself to others. You may not always see them at their best, but deep within, God planted talents, skills, and gifts that will help them prosper. You may not physically see His blessings, but one day, you will realize that He is working in their lives. That’s why you don’t have the right to pressure those people you think are weak enough to face the challenges of this life. Surrender them to our Heavenly Father and allow Him to move. And while you wait, continue to treat them with respect.