Do this if you Feel Scared of what tomorrow Brings
The circumstances that we experience in life will somehow lead us to experience fear. The unexpected events that cause us pain can potentially traumatize us. That’s why, please don’t be too hard on yourself when you feel so afraid of what tomorrow brings. You are human, and God created you with emotions. Remember that what you feel isn’t invalid. They are merely the response to the things that are happening around you. Please don’t punish yourself when you carry doubts inside. Just patiently go through it, and don’t focus on your fears. Instead, look back and remember the good things that God did in your life. Recall those moments when He saved you from the wrong people and places. Just focus on the miracles you experienced.
God is good. Try to remember the past that you experienced. Yes, you went through pain, but please don’t discredit the countless blessings that God gave. Look at your childhood days, it was not easy, but God sustained you. He allowed you to meet certain people who helped you along the way. His hands are always there, giving you so many opportunities and favors. God saved you from the wrong choices. And even if He allowed painful moments to happen, still, He saved you from the storms that you’ve been through. Look at you now. You are still standing and breathing despite all the unexpected things that happened. Try to recall the good things that He allowed you to receive. After all the wonderful miracles that you experienced, do you really think that God will destroy your life?
God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If He saved you in the past, then He will do the same thing in the future. His love for you will never fail. You are always in His heart. He delights in seeing you smile and experience good things in life. He wants the best future for you more than what you ever wanted. If you desire for your life to be better, then God wants you to receive even greater things. That’s why He needs to prepare and teach you what’s ahead. So instead of treating those painful moments as something that will destroy your life. Choose to see those experiences as God’s way of molding you into a better person. Those bad moments are blessings in disguise. They carry lessons that will redirect you to God’s heart.
Please don’t easily forget what God did in your life. He did everything to save you. He even sends His son, Jesus, just want to redeem you from eternal suffering. He never wants to see you suffer. He desires to see you grow and be the person that He created you to be. So if you feel scared, then allow God’s will to reign in your heart. Just trust His ways because He knows you better than you know yourself. Humbly abide in His ways, even in moments when you feel so confused. Surrender to Him all your fears, and let His love give you the assurance and strength that you need.