Do what’s Right and not what’s Popular
We live in a world where there are so many temptations and misleading information. That’s why we need to be careful of the things that we are following and watching, especially in the online world. Unfortunately, there’s this mindset that a person needs to conform to the standards of this world so that he will be accepted and loved by others. And sometimes, even if it disrespects the will of God, still people choose to follow those meaningless standards.
Remember that the voice of the people is not necessarily the voice of God. You need to go back to the Bible and remind yourself of the things that are aligned to His principles. Let’s do what’s right in the eyes of God and not what’s popular in the eyes of people. Choose to please Him and carefully abide in His presence. There will be moments when people will treat you as an outcast because you choose to follow Jesus, but don’t worry because obeying His words will lead you to experience the fullness of this life.
Check your standards and align them to the will of God. What are your thoughts about success and real wealth? Are they connected to what this world considers as valuable or are you aligning your principles according to God’s words? Try to evaluate the way you see things. If you think that you are still following what’s popular and common, then it’s time for you to pause for a while and evaluate your principles. Align your desires to God because He is the only One who can lead you to the happiness that this world can’t offer.
He is your creator, and He knows what can satisfy your heart, so listen to Him and stop following your own will. Do not compare your life to others. You will feel disappointed if you make other people as the source of your inspiration and hope. Set your eyes on God, and let His standards be your guiding principles. Remember that gaining the riches of this world means nothing if you don’t live according to the purpose that He gave you.
Follow God even in moments when nobody else is doing what He commanded. Do not base your actions according to what other people are saying. They don’t know what’s ahead, and even if you think that they are influential, still nothing can compare to the wisdom of God. So follow His instructions even in moments when you can’t fully comprehend His word. Activate your faith and do what’s pleasing to Him.
Glorify His Name and choose to walk with Him. Hold His hands and never let go. This world will convince you to seek temporary pleasures, but let the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross remind you that He is worth fighting for. He deserves your commitment and love. This world is too broken. That’s why you must not follow the ways of imperfect humans. Let God open the eyes of your heart so that you’ll learn to prioritize the things that matter most in the end.
When you feel so alone along the journey, remember that God is supporting and helping you. The Holy Spirit is always there to guide you and remind you of the next step that you can take. You just have to be sensitive to His moving. Pray that God will keep you away from temptations and trust in His great love. Doing the right thing may not be easy because there are times when you need to fight for it, but remember that if God is with you, then no one else can be against you. Let His amazing grace lead you to do the things that will honor and glorify His Name.

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Nathaniel Myles