Do your Best and let God Take Good Care of the Rest
Just do what you can do and let God bless the works of your hands. Sometimes, when we think that what we are doing is not enough, we will feel pressured and stressed because we tend to conclude that there’s no hope left. But the moment you choose to depend on God and not on your own knowledge and abilities, then you will receive His peace. Remember that He is powerful enough to do the impossible things. Just do your part. Be faithful with the resources that God provided for you, and He will give you the favor and opportunity that you need. He is not blind. He will take good care of the other things. Live for the sake of glorifying His name, and you will always have the courage that you need to overcome whatever challenges that you will meet along the way.
Trusting God doesn’t mean you will not do anything. He provided you with enough resources. That’s why you have to maximize all of it. Plant seeds for His Kingdom and know that it will all grow in His perfect timing. You also have work to do. Just give your all to God, and He will be the one who will nourish those seeds for you. Open your eyes and look at the blessings that God already provided for you. If you only realized how blessed you are, then you will surely be overwhelmed with so much love in your heart. And that love will push you to honor God in everything that you do.
Imagine that you are doing everything to glorify God. It includes the works of your hands, the words from your mouth, and all the efforts that you offered for Him. Know that those things will never be in vain because they will all bear fruit that will last forever. Just lift up your life to God and know that He will take good care of you. He sees your heart and the reason why you do certain things. So trust that God will give you blessings that are more than you deserve.
Know that He will finish what He started. He will take good care of the things that you can’t control. He will be the one who will make way for you. One day, you will be amazed by the miracles that He will perform in your life. Wait and see because God will prove to you that He never took you for granted. He was always there cheering you up and encouraging you to give your all for His glory.

Ella Pascua
Thank u so much for all the uplifting words and messages.. It always makes my day..