Do your Best to Glorify the One Who Gave you the Talents and Skills
Always remember that the blessings that you receive from God are meant to glorify His name. He wants you to use them and bless more people. So do not keep what you have to yourself. Please share them with those who need to be reminded about who God is. Your loving Father already provided the resources that you need so that you will be able to maximize what He has given you. It’s just sometimes, we are too full of ourselves that we no longer consider His will. We focus on our own understanding, and we rely on our strengths. Look at the power of God, and do your best to honor His name through your life.
Use what God gave you to share His goodness. God purposely gave them to you because He knows you from the inside out. Just don’t focus on your own ability, but depend on God. Believe in Him and not in your own understanding. You will find it hard to give away the blessings if you treat yourself as the source. Remember that we are all His vessels. So let the blessings flow in your life and stop thinking about your weaknesses or limitation. Everything is going to be okay as long as you offer it all to God. He will teach you what to do. So trust in Him.
This is not about you. It’s about glorifying the One who poured out the blessings for you. God is not looking at your imperfections. He just wants your obedience. Just follow His voice and use what you have to bring glory to His name. Shine and let the whole world know who your God is. Proclaim His name to the dark places and allow Him to use your life. Treat Him as your partner, and you will never feel burdened along the journey. There will be moments when you need to face challenges, but take heart because the things you do for God will never be wasted.
One way of thanking Him is to treasure what He has given you. And it doesn’t mean you need to keep them for yourself. Instead, you need to share and give it away to the people who need to know Him. Maybe you think that what you have is not enough, but just offer it all to God and let Him multiply them. You will never really know how great He is unless you allow Him to move in your life. So offer what you have to God, and He will let you see more of His miracles. Choose to honor Him, and everything is going to be so fulfilling on the inside.

Sonia M Lynchhi
Nathaniel Myles