Self Development

Don’t allow the Spirit of Entitlement to Consume you

Just because you exert an effort doesn’t mean you are already entitled to God’s blessings. Remember that it’s not about your skills or talents, but you live and enjoy this life because of His mercy and forgiveness. So don’t think highly of yourself. Yes, it’s good to be confident in the presence of God, but don’t allow that confidence to keep you away from the true source. The good things that you experienced are because of God’s grace. And it’s not something that you should own for yourself.

God provided you with more than enough so that you’ll learn to share what you have with others. Remember that you won’t receive blessings if not because of His approval and favor. So bring back the glory to Him and stop following your selfish desires. Honor your creator and stop treating yourself as someone who deserves everything you experienced. Because the truth is, the material things you have right now are temporary. It won’t last for eternity, but you will receive eternal treasures when you learn to acknowledge His power.

Respect God’s sovereignty. There are things in life that only Him can do. So trust in His power and not in your own strength. Acknowledge His will and submit to His plans. There will be moments when you can’t understand what He is doing, but continue to walk in His presence. Treat Him as your King and allow Him to reign. Submit your desires to God, but be ready when He changes your plans. Let Him move and trust that His ways are more efficient and effective.

You won’t instantly appreciate what He is doing behind the scene, but just keep your faith and let His spirit dwell in the midst. When the time is right, He will show you the miracles He has been doing throughout the years. Just wait and don’t treat God like a genie. He doesn’t owe you an answer.

Be humble in the presence of God. Do not treat yourself as better than others. Remember that He sees your actions, but He knows your intentions. So purify your heart and align yourself to His desires. Don’t do things out of your pride and ego. Consult God’s word and seek pieces of advice. Humbly accept the circumstances that He allowed you to face because that’s where you will grow and prosper. Don’t allow your emotions to lead you to make bad decisions. Stop complaining and acknowledge the truth that God knows what He is doing. Do not rely on your knowledge and understanding. Let the Holy Spirit minister to your heart and lead you to the right path.

Remember that God doesn’t owe you anything. In fact, He has been so merciful to you that He gave you blessings that you don’t even deserve. Despite your imperfections and sins, He stayed faithful to you. So don’t be entitled to what you receive from Him because without His grace, you are nothing. God loves you so much, but that doesn’t give you the authority to own everything He gives. You are just an instrument and a vessel of His love. Yes, you are so important and valuable in His eyes, but that doesn’t mean you have the authority to strongly demand specific blessings from God. You can declare and receive the answers to your prayers, but that doesn’t mean you stop respecting God’s sovereignty in your life.