Self Development

Don’t allow your Earthly Wealth to hinder you from Respecting Others

Nowadays, people are so caught up in gaining wealth that they forget to remember God’s ways. The standards of this world will tell you to acquire more money to live a successful life, but that’s very different from the way God sees things.

He honors those people who know how to obey and follow Him regardless of their status in society. And that’s how God wants us to live. We need to remember that everything we receive in this world is temporary. And the only way for us to gain eternal treasures is by abiding in His ways and not the standards of this world. Let’s not forget that the blessings we receive are all because of His goodness, and it’s not about our own efforts and strength. With that, we don’t have any right to treat others as if we are better than them.

Your worldly success doesn’t give you permission to mistreat other people. Just because you are influential and powerful in the eyes of this world doesn’t mean you can bring other people down using the authority that you have. Remember that we are all equal in the eyes of God. We are created not to fulfill our selfish desires but to do His will. And it’s His desire to see His children helping and loving each other regardless of how the world sees them.

You can never boast in His presence. Your wealth is nothing compared to His power. He loves to defend the widows, the orphan, and those in pain. And if you mistreat them, then it means that you are also doing it to God. Remember that He doesn’t consider your wealth as something that will increase your value. He loves you even before you acquire everything that you have.

So use your wealth to serve and bless others. Share what you have and be a blessing. God purposely allowed you to receive more of His resources so that you’ll become His vessel to those who are in need. Give without expecting something in return. Purify your heart and allow Him to cleanse your soul so that you’ll learn how to serve others out of pure intention.

Use the authority or influence that God gave you to help those who are mistreated. Defend the poor and offer what you have to them. Don’t worry because a person who chooses to give will never lack anything. God will continue to bless you as long as you are willing to glorify His name. He will give you more than what you need so that you can to bless others.

God commanded us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. So let’s not use our worldly success to disrespect and mistreat others. Instead, we must be good stewards of the blessings that He gave us. We must use what we have to bless His name and stop focusing on our own desires. Let’s be faithful to what He gave by maximizing His resources so that we can serve His people.

Never forget that God is the source. And as long as you do things for His glory, then you will never lack anything. He will continue to pour out His abundant blessings so that the people around you will realize how big His love is.

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