Don’t be Afraid to ask Someone to Pray for you
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20
As God’s people, we are meant to declare blessings to others and pray for them. So if you are struggling right now and you badly need help, then look for someone who can pray for you. Do not be afraid because a true Christian loves to pray for his brothers and sisters. Jesus said that two or three gathered in His name, then He will be in the midst. This is how powerful corporate prayer is.
Some of our prayer requests are too personal, so you must look for someone that you can trust and let him/her pray for you. If you belong to a spiritual community or group, learn the habit of sharing your prayers and petitions with them. In such a way, you will be able to activate a culture of honor and love inside your community. Know that God hears your prayers, and He will send help. You are not alone. You are surrounded by people who are willing to pray for you.
Acknowledge the truth that you need help. Asking for someone’s prayer means that you appreciate their presence in your life, and you know in yourself that you can count on them. There are moments when a person can’t offer you physical or financial help, but they can absolutely present your requests to God. If you happen to meet people who are always there to pray for you, then you are so blessed. You never really know that there are instances that their prayers protected you from harm and helped you to move forward.
Remember that the greatest blessings are not the things that you can see but those things that can change the deepest part of your soul. They are the unseen miracles that God is pouring out to you in the Spiritual realm. And sometimes, you can only receive them through prayers.
It is an act of love. Know that people deeply care for you when they constantly include you in their prayers. Talking to God is a battle. There are instances when the enemy would try to invade your prayer time. He will instill unwanted thoughts in your mind and convince you to stop talking to God. Prayer is not an easy thing to do, especially when you want to do it consistently. You need to resist temptations. That’s why a person who consistently prays for you in silence is truly someone who loves you.
Do the same thing to someone else. Choose to also pray for those people around you. Ask your loved ones for their prayer requests and list them down. Sometimes they won’t share anything with you but just observe how they talk and what they say. Only then will you discover the specific blessing you need to declare for them.
Praying for other people will bless your life because when God answers their requests, then you will be part of that miracle because you prayed for them. You may not be fully aware of this, but maybe God blessed the people around you because of your prayers. And the moment you realize how wonderful it is to pray for someone, then you will also have the courage to ask them to do the same thing to you.