Self Development

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

You are just a human. I’m not saying that you can’t do extraordinary things in life but it’s just there are moments when you need to take some rest. You are not a machine. Please don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s okay to commit mistakes. Nobody is perfect. So learn to accept the things that you can’t change. Give yourself some time to think and sort things out. Don’t allow your emotions to consume you. I know that you just feel scared on the inside because maybe you think that if you don’t do your best, you might lose everything. But if you already feel so tired, then learn to pause for a while. Allow God to teach you what to do.

Be patient with yourself. Sometimes, we put a very high standard on ourselves. That’s why we feel so disappointed every time we fail to reach our own expectations. We tend to think that our life is an ultimate failure because of the things that we can’t do. Stop giving yourself a hard time. You may want to achieve something in your life, but allow yourself to grow along the process. Give yourself the chance to fail because it’s the perfect moment for you to learn important things. Personal growth really takes time. But it’s always worth it in the end.

Learn to forgive yourself. I know that it’s not an easy thing to do, but you need to set yourself free. You deserve love and peace on the inside. Stop carrying everything on your own. Remember that God will always be there to carry all the burdens for you. Give your heart the chance to heal. Let go of the anger and bitterness you feel because it will lead you to deeper heartaches. Stop blaming yourself for everything that happened in your life. Learn to surrender all your pain to God and allow His love to take over.

Let God’s love consume your heart. Receive his forgiveness and healing so that you will also learn to accept your mistakes. Allow God to change your thoughts, and He will replace it with better perspectives. You don’t have to live your life all alone. Trust in God and believe with all your heart that He will make way for you. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, let His word guide you along the way. Open your heart, and let God teach you how to love yourself.