Don’t Condemn Yourself If You Can’t Change Things Instantly
We need to go through the process, that’s why you need to wait. Stop blaming yourself if you can’t change things in an instant. The perfect time will come. What’s important is you never stop growing and learning new things. Embrace your season and don’t be in a hurry. You can never turn back time. That’s why you need to make the most of what you have and appreciate the little victories you experience. Don’t compare your progress to others. Accept the fact that we all have a different timeline, and that’s okay.
The process will always take time. If you wanted the kind of change that will last for a lifetime, then you need to work on it. You will go through some pain and brokenness, but everything will be worth it. Remember that it’s not about how long or short the time it takes for you to experience the transformation you deeply desire, but it’s about the beautiful journey you have with God. You will realize that the memories you have with Him are all worth it, and it will always be a precious treasure that you can always carry deep inside your heart.
Just learn to wait and allow God to guide you along the way. Don’t be too hard with yourself. You still need some time to heal and recover. God is also working on the inside, and He has been so patient with you all this time. He knows that what you are going through is part of the process. He is building the foundation so that you will never be easily shaken. He is working on the roots so that you will always be rooted in His love when you face a lot of storms in life. Sometimes, you can’t see the results instantly, but you just have to continue the journey with Him.
You can’t make it on your own. Only God can change you inside and out. His love is powerful enough to transform your life, so rely more on Him and stop putting too much pressure on yourself. God never forces you to do things. He will just wait until you are ready to take the next step. He will continue to hold your hands until you will have the courage to face your fears. Just trust His perfect timing and do not rush things. Take your time and be patient.