Don’t give Anyone the Responsibility to make you Happy
It’s not anybody’s job to make you happy. It’s your responsibility. So stop expecting other people to take away the loneliness in your heart. You are powerful enough to take charge of your own emotions. Happiness is a choice that you need to make every single day. It depends on how you see things and the situations around you. It’s not about what people did to you, but it’s how you see their actions that make you feel glad.
You will be disappointed if you let somebody dictate your joy because nobody can do it but you. It’s like you are hiring a person with a job that is impossible to accomplish. You need to do it yourself. Do something that will remind you to smile. Do it not for the sake of just feeling good but remember that it’s a form of worship to God. When you rejoice in His presence, it means that you delight in Him. If you don’t know how to do it, then you can come to Him and pray that He will open your heart to receive His joy. Let the Holy Spirit reign in your life, and you will experience it.
Take charge of your own emotions. Other people can’t disturb you if you don’t allow them. Sometimes, your emotions suddenly shift because of other people’s actions or words. If you are in an environment that easily triggers negative emotions, then you need to always remind yourself about who God created you to be. Knowing your identity will help you overcome the unwanted feelings inside. You are God’s child. It means that you are powerful enough to conquer your negative emotions. You just need to acknowledge them so that they can no longer control you. You can easily let them go the moment you slowly accept the reasons why those emotions exist.
Face your fears so that your heart will be healed and you will experience happiness. It’s important to remember that other people can’t mend the wounds in your heart. It’s a personal choice that you need to make. Others may give you support, but at the end of the day, you need to choose whether you will go through the healing process or not. It’s something that other people can’t do for you. And if you will face your greatest fears and deepest wounds. That’s when the joy of the Lord will start to reign in your heart.
Your happiness also depends on the way you look at things. No matter how much other people try to please you, what they are doing will never be enough if you have different expectations. If your perspective in life is too different from what they believe in, then it would be very difficult for you to be truly happy with them. You need to have a clearer lens where you can see things according to how God sees them. And only then will you start to smile even in the simplest blessing you receive from Him.
If you look at your life according to God’s love, you will realize that you are surrounded by so many wonderful things. You failed to see them because you thought that you could only find your happiness from the people around you, but the truth is, God alone can give you the kind of joy that can truly satisfy your heart.
If you can’t find the reason to be happy, then always remember that the existence of God’s love in your life is more than enough for you to rejoice and celebrate. This world can never offer you that kind of love. If you have Jesus in your heart, then it means that you are one of the richest people ever lived. When you realize that you always have the reason to be happy regardless of what other people do to you, then you are so blessed because not everyone knows that fact. Most of them still look for happiness in the arms of imperfect humans. And that’s what makes them more miserable. Look unto God, for He is perfect, and He can give you the joy that you need. And the good thing about it is it never runs dry. He can give you more than enough as long as you open your heart and let Him reign inside. He can make you truly happy even in the midst of storms.