Don’t let other People’s Action Destroy your Faith in God
Just because you receive unfair treatment from other people doesn’t mean God is not good to you. Remember that we all have the freedom to choose. Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want to control our actions or emotions. He gave us the ability to do what we want to do. That’s why you can’t blame Him if others fail to see your worth. It’s their choice. They just don’t see you the way God sees you. So instead of hating God for the negative things that people did, pray that He will give you the faith you need to keep going. Do not allow others to change the way you know Him. Please don’t base your faith according to other people’s actions because you won’t grow if you keep on looking at their imperfections. Set your eyes on God instead, and focus on His promises.
You can never control others. Whether you like it or not, there will be days when you’ll feel so disappointed with their actions. If you happen to know God because someone invited you to their spiritual community, then remember that you will meet somebody who will break your expectations in that congregation. You will encounter people who are also growing in the Lord. That means you will witness a lot of failures at the same time, victories. So do not treat others as the source of your trust. Remember the great love of God and choose to focus on His wonderful plans. Fix your eyes on your own journey and give other people the chance to flourish in the presence of God. You will easily stumble if you will look at what’s wrong in their lives. Just focus on growing in the Lord and let your faith stay rooted in His word.
Your faith must come from within and not from others. You will fail to receive more of God’s miracles if you always base your beliefs and principles according to other people’s perspectives. Your relationship with God needs to be intimate and personal. That means He prepared wonderful revelations for you. He orchestrated a unique journey that can absolutely make you grow and prosper. You can only enjoy what He prepared if you are willing to go through the process with Him and not just solely rely on other people’s revelation. God is talking to you. You just need to quiet your soul and learn to focus on His presence. Be more sensitive to His moving, and your faith will never be the same again.
Read the bible, and you will know Him even more. You will have a distorted belief if you keep on listening to what others are saying. Be familiar with the words written in the scriptures, and you will be consistently aligned to His will. Remember that faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God. It is a daily commitment that you need to make. When it becomes part of your lifestyle, other people’s actions will no longer affect you that much because what you will remember are not their negative deeds but the promises of God in your life.

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Nathaniel Myles