Self Development

Don’t spend your Life Fighting for Things that are not Meant for You

We all have dreams in our hearts, but sometimes, we try to follow the wrong path. We listen to what the world is saying instead of listening to God. The sad truth is we will only realize that what we are doing is all wrong the moment we feel unfulfilled inside. The harsh realities of life will teach us that certain things are not meant for us. Yes, it will hurt at first, but it’s part of the process. It’s better to know the truth than live a life that’s full of lies. So stop spending the rest of your time here on earth fighting for the desires that are too far from what God wants you to experience. Acknowledge Him in your life so that you will always be guided.

You will know that certain things are not meant for you when you still end up so broken and lost even when you already receive what you wanted. At first, it feels so fulfilling and exciting, but the moment you go through a lot of problems, that’s when you are tested if the path you have chosen is meant for you or not. If you see yourself growing and experiencing breakthroughs, then there’s a possibility that God prepared that journey for you. Even though there are trials, you still choose to persevere because God provided you the grace to finish your journey.  But if you feel so broken and lost after you did everything, then that’s the time when you need to ask God if what you are doing is truly meant for you or not. You will hear His instructions as long as you open your heart for Him.

Try to look at your strengths and work on the gifts that God provided for you. Sometimes, when you follow the ways of this world, you will miss the purpose of God in your life. You will not appreciate your talents and gifts because you choose to define your success according to what others say. Listen to God, for He gave you certain blessings that you can maximize. Stop looking at the standards of this world and focus on your natural abilities and skills. God’s gift will lead you to the place where He wanted you to be.

Accept the truth that only your Creator can lead you to your purpose. He alone knows the reason why you are here on earth. Consult Him and put Him at the center. Ask Him about the right thing to do, and He will direct you through His words. Include Him when you make decisions. Submit to Him all your plans and let Him move. He will teach you how to use your time according to His will and purpose. In Him, you will experience the fullness of this life.

One Comment

  • Jc light alamis

    This message I have red is very encouraging and tells the truth about my current situations I am facing and I am thankful for this, because it help me enlighten about the realities of life..