Self Development

Don’t treat your Emotions as your god

Your emotions exist not to control you but to give you a chance to discover the hidden things behind them. It’s not your god that you should always follow. Just because you feel bad doesn’t mean your life is over. You just have to figure out the reasons behind your emotions, and there you will discover the thoughts that you need to change. You can take charge of what you feel. God gave you the freedom to do it. Don’t be a victim of your own past and fears. You can rise up and manage them. Acknowledge God in your life, and don’t dwell on things that will just bring you down. Focus on your King and remind yourself that He is always sovereign. Allow Him to reign in your life, and listen to His voice. Yes, you need to accept what you feel, but it doesn’t mean you should give your emotions the ability to control your decisions.

Let the authority of God be bigger than anything else in your life. Listen to Him and stop relying on your own understanding. Humble yourself in His presence and remember that He alone holds the truth. If you keep on focusing on your weaknesses, you will be consumed with thoughts that are not pleasing to His eyes. Your actions and decisions will be affected. So take charge of what you feel. Surrender them to God and align your thoughts to His principles. Don’t just live inside your mind. Seek His word and be guided by His instructions. Depend on Him and give up those things that you can no longer carry.

You can ask God for help. Call upon His name, and please don’t take any steps without His guidance. Don’t allow your emotions to control you. Remember who you are in the eyes of God. You are His precious child, and you have the authority to cancel the negative things that are going on in your life. Trust that God’s mercy and power will move. Wait for His hands, and don’t be so impatient. God is not in a hurry. Take your time and choose to grow in His presence. Let the process teach you how to rely on God even more.

You can make use of your emotions, but you don’t have to treat them as your God. You can manage them properly. You can maximize them by learning how to process and understand yourself better. You don’t have to treat them as your enemy. They are part of who you are. All you need to do is ask God’s wisdom. Be kind to yourself and learn His ways. Honor Him in every step that you take despite of what you feel inside. Let God be bigger than the anger and fear that you are facing.