Don’t waste your pain; use them for the Glory of God
Your wounds are too expensive. It takes so many tears just for you to face them. So don’t waste your pain. Know that God can turn things around if you will just allow Him. Surrender in His presence and let Him heal all your wounds. Listen to His voice and let Him teach you the important lessons that you need to learn. Open your heart so that He can come in and transform you from the inside out.
He can turn your pain into treasures that will take you to eternity. Just don’t face them on your own. Acknowledge His power and imagine that God is already moving behind the scene. He is a powerful God. He can glorify His name through the bad things that you experienced. He can turn them into gifts that will bless you and the people around you. Be patient and go through the healing process. Walk with Him, and you will discover the things that He wants you to do.
Pain is inevitable. You’ll never know when you will experience it, but instead of neglecting your emotions, you can bring them all to God and ask for His strength. Connect to Him and let Him know what you truly feel. Release your burdens in His presence, and you will experience His comfort. Trust in His love, and He will guide you. He will let you see better perspectives, and only then will you learn to use what you feel to your own advantage.
Yes, it’s not easy to face them, but you need to have faith. Believe that what you experience will not just end there. Instead, God will turn them into something that will powerfully transform your life. You can’t control the things around you, but you can look at them the way God sees them. Ask Him to guide you, and He will be there. His light will shine in your life as long as you choose to listen to His voice.
Remember the lessons you learned. Behind every heartbreak are wonderful reminders that God wants you to keep. Sometimes, He allows certain things to happen so that you will never forget Him in your life. So stop blaming God for the negative things around you. Instead, list down the lessons that you need to learn and take them seriously. When the time is right, God will let you apply those lessons. And only then will you see yourself growing from glory to glory. Your pain and wounds will never be wasted as long as you share what you learned with others, especially those who go through the same experience as yours. God will empower you to minister to them through the lessons that you keep inside your heart.
The painful things you experience can lead you closer to God. They will remind you about His great power and love. So when you are hurting inside, don’t face the pain on your own. Walk closer to His heart, and you will receive feel comfort. You will receive more of His love the moment you will see Him move, even in the midst of brokenness. You’ll discover how great and marvelous His power is. Your moments with Him will turn into blessings that will strengthen you. So hold on and keep moving. Don’t allow the pain to break you into pieces. Instead, let them lead you to the will of God. Use what you experienced to glorify your Father in Heaven.

Nathaniel Myles
Very useful for my life