Self Development

Don’t You Ever Discredit Your Efforts Because It Matters To God

You may think that what you did is just a small thing and nobody saw your efforts and your sacrifices. You may think that it’s just nothing but you need to remember this, everything that you do for God, may it be small or not, it all matters to Him.

There are instances in our lives wherein we can’t value our efforts because we try to compare it with what others did. We think that compared to them, it’s just a tiny thing. We never really see our efforts as something important or significant that sometimes we even fail to notice our true value in the eyes of God.

We all have different purpose in life. God assigned us to glorify Him in different areas of our lives. Even if you think that your task is just an ordinary one and for you it’s just nothing, you need to keep in mind that what you did is important. The works of God will never be complete without your efforts.

You may be one of those people who truly care for somebody but then sad to say, they never recognize what you did for them. They don’t have any idea about the things that you sacrificed just for you to help them. Yes, they may fail to acknowledge your efforts but God saw everything. He saw your heart and He truly appreciates all of it.

Maybe you’re doubting yourself because you think you can’t contribute something big for God’s community. You underestimate yourself and you think that you have nothing to offer. Then, it’s about time for you to realize that the family of God needs you. Your service for everybody will be highly appreciated not by the people around you but by God Himself.

God is pleased with your simple act of kindness. He is not just smiling because of your kind actions but most importantly, He saw your genuine heart to help others. He saw the compassion inside you. And that for Him is what matters most.

God knows what’s happening within. And He saw you even in those moments when you are too bombarded with so many problems in life, but still you made an effort to worship Him and bring glory to His Name. You made an effort to help others even though you are also suffering deep within.  You go the extra mile even if you are in pain. He saw and acknowledged those moments.   

And in behalf of those people who failed to recognize your efforts, I would like to say thank you so much. Thank you for staying. Thank you for being patient.  And thank you for understanding. One day, you will be blessed because of everything that you did. You will see the fruit of your faithfulness.  And only then you will realize that God never took your efforts for granted.