Draw closer to God even if you are in Pain
The common reaction of people who experienced devastating moments in life is to separate themselves away from God. They feel so disappointed because God allowed terrible things to happen to them. If you go through the same thing, then please remember that He never wanted to hurt you. He is a good God, and that means He prepared a bright future for you. There are just things that we can’t easily comprehend, such as the uncertainties and suffering you are going through. But God never allowed something to happen in your life without a purpose. Behind the pain are blessings that will change your life for the better. You just have to draw closer to Him and allow Him to heal your heart. The journey may not be easy, but His grace will always be there to sustain you.
Have a humble heart to acknowledge the truth that you need God, especially in the seasons of brokenness. This is the perfect time for you to embrace His love. You will never know how vast His love is unless you allow Him to come in. He is giving you the chance to know Him more and to experience more of Him. So stay in His presence, and depend on Him. You can’t save yourself. Jesus alone can rescue you from the fires of hell. And you will only encounter Him if you treat Him as the only one who can save your soul. Accept the truth that you need His grace, and apart from Him, you are nothing.
Draw closer to His arms, and you will find comfort. He knows your heart, and He knows how to console you. So instead of looking for someone to heal you, come to God, and He will satisfy your heart with His love. He will make you whole. The moment you receive His loving embrace, you will realize that He is all you need. He will give you peace the surpasses all understanding. He will pour out His blessings and send people who will help you to overcome the pain. God will walk with you along the journey of healing. You will never feel alone as long as you put Him inside your heart.
Allow God to perform miracles in your life, even in the midst of pain. Treat Him as your one and only healer. Let Him transform you from the inside out. He can do all things. You may not understand everything for now, but the moment you walk with Him, you will slowly see things from a different perspective. You will learn what forgiveness is all about. He will give you the courage to stand and face your future with confidence.

Maxine Cunningham
thank you for such encouraging words.. It has really been a blessing.
I like the words of god, its help me a lot to closer with him.
Judy Ann Veloria
I’m so blessed everytime i read this page!