Self Development

Emotional pain can either Motivate or Discourage you

Emotional pain exists because of the wounds you receive from others. It’s not easy to deal with because people tend to neglect its existence thinking that it’s not important. But the truth is, the deep wounds in your heart can affect how you make decisions. They can make or break your life. So it’s better to deal with them in the right way before the worst things happen.

Since it’s the kind of pain that can’t be seen, it’s difficult to deal with them just by relying on your own strength. You need a doctor who knows how to mend the broken pieces of your heart. God alone can do that. If you are going through emotional pain right now, and you think that there’s no hope left, then you are so wrong. God is with you, and He is just waiting for you to surrender that pain. Remember that it can either motivate or discourage you from fulfilling the desires that He planted in your heart.

The deep wounds can break your trust. Once you experience pain, you will find it hard to believe in other people’s words and actions. It will hinder you from asking for help. It will then eventually affect your relationships. You won’t be able to experience lasting and happy memories because your pain will keep you from enjoying other people’s presence.

Pain can also take away your confidence. If you keep on focusing on what happened in the past, you’ll find it hard to fulfill your goals in life because every time you face problems, you’ll remember the pain you once experienced. You will stop doing your best because you’ll be scared that you might encounter worst things. It can hinder you from living the life that God prepared.

On the other hand, pain can also motivate you. If you know how to handle it properly, you will learn amazing things that you can apply in the future. If you keep the lessons behind the negative emotions you feel, you can surely use them to overcome the storms you will face.

Pain can also change your heart for the better. It can shift the way you see things and lead you to do what is right in the eyes of God. It’s His way of molding you. It won’t be easy at first, but the moment you discover the hidden blessings behind what you are going through, you will surely thank Him for allowing you to experience that difficult yet amazing moment in your life.

You can either treat pain as your motivation or as something that can bring you down. You always have a choice. But I hope you will align your perspective according to how God sees them. Not all pain can kill your soul. In fact, they can build you up and make you a better person. You just have to change the way you look at them.

Emotional pain is God’s way of leading you back to His arms. Every time you experience it, you have the opportunity to grow closer to His heart. You can take advantage of the pain you feel inside. Let God use it to change your heart and purify your soul.