
Empty yourself So that You will Receive more of God’s love

We will discover things as we continue to live this life. From how we were raised when we were still a child until now that we are living an adult life, we have brought lessons along the way. We picked up the things we think will help us in the following chapters of our lives. Such lessons are immense to be lived by and shared with others. They taught us how to be kind and generous to others. Those experiences and events make us realize that sharing and loving others could give us joy and satisfaction. We can be selfless, and being good to others isn’t impossible, even if people disagree with what we do.

We brought with us everything that we have been through. Sometimes, we will still feel so empty even though we have already exerted a lot of effort. Looking for love from the wrong places and people causes us to break our trust and make us see ourselves less. When we look for our worth on things that we expect a lot from and then turn out to be just nothing. These are just a few things that some have tried to fulfill.

Having so much will not do good. That is because we sometimes fill life with temporary things. Things hinder us from changing and accepting what would bring us more good. Sometimes, things that last a lifetime take effort to build, like how we look for something constant. But God can actually fill you with it. But it will be your choice if you let Him see more of Him in your life. He sees your struggle and your hunger. He sees your empty cup and the longing of your heart.

Sometimes, God’s ways in one’s life actually look different from how we see them. Sometimes we see difficult choices hindering our happiness, but God can see it as a way of molding our hearts to give us the strength we need to face battles. How we see love is different from how He sees it. We might see it as something fancy and full of joy, but He sees it as unconditional and selfless. We feel empty because the things that we fill our hearts with are not what God wants for us. That is why we sometimes need to empty ourselves for God to move more in our lives. We sometimes need to take the pride down and allow His moving of humility to take place. We need to unlearn the things we take a grip with and start to learn the new gifts He has prepared for us.

The journey may take some time but believe and trust that God will fill you with His love. It will not be easy, especially when you need to leave your comfort zone, but think that you will still be holding the promises He has in store for you. Such promises that He will make you be a better version of yourself. Wherein you will learn to see more of His glory. To have your life be a testimony of His greatness. You will then eventually learn the value and worth of your life.