Every day, you Face a New Version of Yourself.
Every time you close your eyes and end your day, you also say goodbye to the old you. When you wake up every morning and embrace the light, it means that you are also welcoming the new version of yourself. You are constantly growing. Your physical body is changing. Your mindset is consistently transformed because of the things you experienced. A single day may appear too short, and it seems like nothing is happening, but deep within your mind and your heart, you are being transformed. And it’s either from good to better or good to worst.
You may not always feel the changes inside of you, but God sees everything that’s going on in your life. That’s why, choose to cherish each day and learn the lesson that God wants you to discover. Change is the only thing that is constant in this world, and that includes your life. The obstacles that He allowed you to pass through along the journey can make you grow into a better person as long as you are humble enough to listen and follow His voice.
Do not rely on your own understanding. You still have so many things to learn. When you discover something new, how you perceive things will also change. Your prayers and desires will shift according to the lessons that God revealed to you. So if you are so eager to receive the answers to your prayers, then wait until He changes your mindset through the circumstances that He allows you to go through. When you finally embrace His wisdom, you realize that God alone knows what’s best for you. Right now, maybe you are in a hurry to get what you want in life but allow your Heavenly Father to mold your heart and mind first. Only then will you learn to appreciate the process that He orchestrated.
You will never be the same person again. One day, you will look at your life using a different lens. You will learn to appreciate the little blessings instead of the extravagant things. Life will teach you how to value those treasures that you took for granted. You will discover what matters most in the end. So be patient, and keep growing. Do not be in a hurry. Instead, make the most of what you have right now. Because tomorrow, you will slightly see things differently, and you will no longer experience the same moment again.
You are changing from the inside out. And that change depends on how you approach the circumstances that God allowed you to go through. That’s why you need to pray for a teachable and humble heart. Seek God’s Kingdom first and be transformed from glory to glory. The little changes that you experience every single day will turn into a blessing that will honor God in the end.

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pamela sereta
God knows what is best for us.